OMLL wish list made up by our board members and members of our community:-Picnic tables for under the concession stand.
We got two tables donated by GMLL!!-Trees
We will be going with other shade options. Trees were $300 each. -Shade/shade structures
We will be hanging shade sails in Spring 2025!!-New ice maker for concession stand
New scoreboards are about $3000 each. We are hoping to delegate funds each year to get these replaced one field at a time!-New PA and sound systems or updates
We need someone to help with this. If you know anyone, please email me at [email protected].-Fencing to bring TEEBALL fencing from 4ft to 6ft tall
We got quotes ranging from $10,000-20,000. We will continue looking into other options!-Seating/Shade around batting cages and playground
Very expensive!-Bleachers
New bleachers are around $2,500 each. We are hoping to delegate funds each year to get these replaced one at a time!-Flag Pole
-Someone with the time and smarts to apply for grants that might help us get some of these items.